Essential Counselling Connections
London, UK
Human connection is the most important thing in my work.
A connection that goes beyond barriers.
Connections that enables people to meet, that bring together different and fascinating personalities to create collaborations and sometimes perhaps more special bonds.
The aim of this page is to present all of these.
International Connections

I do work internationally with clients based in Nigeria, Sudan, Germany and the USA.
I do support them to grow their knowledge about themselves, commit to a reason for change, prepare themselves to accept challenging moments and take action.
WOMEN'S HEALTH UK Magazine (2020 October issue)
The collaboration with Lauren was unique. It gave me an excellent opportunity to contribute to her article for people approaching therapy for the first time, something that can be overwhelming.
To collaborate on a publication in Women's Health UK magazine was rewarding given my great interest in empowering women.
Click the article photo on the right to read this article.

ALRA - Academy of Live & Recorded Arts
Supported ALRA's students and staff from June 2020 to April 2022.